Efficient Management & Managing Mistakes
By Eng. Masroor Vosoughi
Basic Principles For Efficient Management
Following these principles will result in an efficient and dynamic management
- Disciplined thinking
- Disciplined performance
- Defined goals
- Avoiding raw ideas and working on developing a baked idea
- Using clear and well-defined processes and avoiding one-time, occasional ideas
- Ignoring unskilled recommendations (using proved theories)

Management Road to Success
- Research and development
- Idea
- Initial evaluation
- Evaluation and analysis
- Setting goals and scheduling
- success

Destructive Ideas
Following these ideas will not lead to the desired results. They will result in waste of time and energy of the organization, the despair of its human resources and will open the door to unnecessary and avoidable risks.
Destructive ideas are based on:
- emotional and baseless conclusions
- blind imitation
- baseless and unproved recommendations

Productive Ideas
These ideas are based on research and development and will lead to sustainable organizational growth.
Productive ideas are based on:
- tested theories
- truth
- innovation
- brainstorming and consultation

Destructive Evaluations
These evaluations will result in incorrect conclusions which will lead to further setbacks.
Behaviors that will lead to destructive evaluations:
- incompatibility 
- self-centered evaluations
- quick conclusions
- not considering the whole picture

Analytic Hierarchy Process by Rastin Seysan